Año 2006

V.O. sub. in italiano

Snow Cake no es un peliculón pero, a su modo, es una película brillante. Habla de personas diferentes (de una persona con autismo, de una persona egoísta, de una persona triste, de una persona vanidosa, de personas que aman a su hija… etc); algunas de estas personas saben que son diferentes, y otras no lo saben (aunque lo sean).
Esta película de bajo presupuesto, cuenta una historia sencilla, casi íntima y, reflejando también el hermanamiento entre diferencias, conjuga con bastante acierto humor y drama. No te carcajeas, pero te sonríes. No lloras, pero te emocionas. Es una película sin sobresaltos pero que deja buen sabor de boca. Cuando finaliza sabes que no has visto un peliculón, pero también sabes que acabas de ver una película agradable que puede incluso rescatarte alguna reflexión del embotamiento habitual. No mueve, pero conmueve.
Alex Hughes, an ex-convict, is on a road trip to Winnipeg to see an old friend. Along the way, he meets the annoying, but vivacious, Vivienne Freeman who manages to bum a ride with him. Just as he begins to warm to this eccentric girl, Alex's vehicle is in a serious automobile accident that kills Vivienne. After his meeting with the police, Alex decides to speak with Vivienne's mother. Upon arrival at her home, Alex discovers that the mother, Linda, is a highly functional autistic woman who convinces him to stay long to take out the garbage the day after the funeral he agrees to arrange. In those few days, Alex discovers new friends and learns more about the uniqueness of Linda even as he struggles to come to terms with his own grief.
Alex Hughes, an ex-convict, is on a road trip to Winnipeg to see an old friend. Along the way, he meets the annoying, but vivacious, Vivienne Freeman who manages to bum a ride with him. Just as he begins to warm to this eccentric girl, Alex's vehicle is in a serious automobile accident that kills Vivienne. After his meeting with the police, Alex decides to speak with Vivienne's mother. Upon arrival at her home, Alex discovers that the mother, Linda, is a highly functional autistic woman who convinces him to stay long to take out the garbage the day after the funeral he agrees to arrange. In those few days, Alex discovers new friends and learns more about the uniqueness of Linda even as he struggles to come to terms with his own grief.
TÍTULO ORIGINAL Snow Cake (Snowcake)
AÑO 2006
DURACIÓN 112 min.
GUIÓN Angela Pell
MÚSICA Broken-Social-Scene
REPARTO Alan Rickman, Sigourney Weaver, Carrie-Anne Moss, Johnny Goltz, David Fox, Jayne Eastwood
PRODUCTORA Coproducción GB-Canadá
V.O. sub. in italiano
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