Año 2017
Atypical is a coming of age story that follows Sam, an 18-year-old on the autistic spectrum as he searches for love and independence. While Sam is on his funny yet emotional journey of self-discovery, the rest of his family must grapple with change in their own lives as they all struggle with the central theme: what does it really mean to be normal?
Título original: Atypical
País: USA
Duración: 13 x 30 min.
Dirección: Seth Gordon, Joe Kessler
Guion: Ava Tramer, Robia Rashid
Música: Dan Romer
Fotografía: Joe Kessler
Reparto: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Keir Gilchrist, Brigette Lundy-Paine, Amy Okuda, Michael Rapaport, Graham Rogers, Nik Dodani, Raúl Castillo, Rachel Redleaf, Jenna boyd
La historia gira en torno a Sam, un joven de 18 años de edad que sufre autismo. Para él su condición no es un problema: quiere aprender a valerse por sí mismo y tener una vida independiente. Con ese fin emprende un viaje de autodescubrimiento, en general divertido y con momentos dolorosos.
Atypical is a coming of age story that follows Sam, an 18-year-old on the autistic spectrum as he searches for love and independence. While Sam is on his funny yet emotional journey of self-discovery, the rest of his family must grapple with change in their own lives as they all struggle with the central theme: what does it really mean to be normal?
País: USA
Duración: 13 x 30 min.
Dirección: Seth Gordon, Joe Kessler
Guion: Ava Tramer, Robia Rashid
Música: Dan Romer
Fotografía: Joe Kessler
Reparto: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Keir Gilchrist, Brigette Lundy-Paine, Amy Okuda, Michael Rapaport, Graham Rogers, Nik Dodani, Raúl Castillo, Rachel Redleaf, Jenna boyd
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