Año 2005
The movie follows the story of a young man with autism, named Cho-Won, who finds release only in running. As a child, Cho-Won regularly threw tantrums, bit himself, and refused to communicate with others -- finding solace only in zebras and the Korean snack, Chocopie. His mother never gave up on him and was determined to prove to the world that her child can be normal. As Cho-Won gets older, he begins to find a passion for running and his mother is there to encourage and support him. Even though both Mother and Cho-Won suffer from family and financial issues, they find a former marathon champion -- now a lethargic old man with alcohol problems.
조 - 원 스무 살짜리 소년이 진짜 마라톤에 참가하는 자신의 꿈을보고 작은 지역 대회에서 훈련, 다섯에서 자폐증으로 진단이다.
AÑO 2005
Cho-won es un chico de veinte años que, diagnosticado de autismo a los cinco, se entrena en pequeñas competiciones locales para ver cumplido su sueño de participar en una auténtica maratón.
Su madre, que le apoya en su objetivo, consigue que un escéptico campeón de fondo le ayude en su cometido.
Su madre, que le apoya en su objetivo, consigue que un escéptico campeón de fondo le ayude en su cometido.
The movie follows the story of a young man with autism, named Cho-Won, who finds release only in running. As a child, Cho-Won regularly threw tantrums, bit himself, and refused to communicate with others -- finding solace only in zebras and the Korean snack, Chocopie. His mother never gave up on him and was determined to prove to the world that her child can be normal. As Cho-Won gets older, he begins to find a passion for running and his mother is there to encourage and support him. Even though both Mother and Cho-Won suffer from family and financial issues, they find a former marathon champion -- now a lethargic old man with alcohol problems.
조 - 원 스무 살짜리 소년이 진짜 마라톤에 참가하는 자신의 꿈을보고 작은 지역 대회에서 훈련, 다섯에서 자폐증으로 진단이다.
DURACIÓN 117 min.
PAÍS: Corea del Sur 대한민국
DIRECTOR Jeong Yoon-chul
PAÍS: Corea del Sur 대한민국
DIRECTOR Jeong Yoon-chul
GUIÓN Jeong Yoon-chul
MÚSICA Jun-seong Kim
REPARTO Gi-yeong Lee, Seong-hyeon Baek, Nae-sang Ahn, Mi-suk Park
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