Año 1998
AÑO: 1998
DURACIÓN: 97 min
PAÍS: Gran Bretaña
DIRECTOR: Mark Herman
GUIÓN: Mark Herman (Teatro: Jim Cartwright)
MÚSICA: John Altman
FOTOGRAFÍA: Andy Collins
REPARTO: Brenda Blethyn, Michael Caine, Ewan McGregor, Jim Broadbent, Jane Horrocks, Annette Badland, Philip Jackson
GENERO: Musical

Marcada por la muerte de su padre y una madre que no le presta demasiada atención, una joven vive encerrada en su mundo interior y opta por el silencio. No pronuncia ni una sola palabra, pero, gracias a la inmensa colección de discos que le dejó su padre, y a las extraordinarias habilidades musicales de algunos autistas, es capaz de reproducir, al cantar, cualquier voz, desde Judy Garland a Marilyn Monroe, pasando por Marlene Dietrich. El nuevo novio de su madre, un buscador de talentos, descubre en ella una mina de oro y su gran oportunidad aunque, para conseguirlo, tenga que emplear las tácticas más rastreras... El oscarizado Michael Caine protagoniza esta comedia musical basada en una de las obras de teatro de mayor éxito en Londres.
Based on Jim Cartright's play +The Rise and Fall of Little Voice, this screen adaptation directed by Mark Herman is an underdog film about an underdog girl named Little Voice (or LV for short). LV (Jane Horrocks from Mike Leigh's Life Is Sweet who does all her own singing) is a shy, mousy woman living with her mom Mari (Secrets and Lies' Brenda Blethyn). Little Voice doesn't leave her house. Instead she sings along to her record collection of Shirley Bassey, Judy Garland, and Marilyn Monroe, and the obsession with old recordings and extraordinary musical abilities of some autists, as well as the tendency for certain opportunists to take advantage of them. Her mother Mari, however, is an outspoken woman who is convinced her sex appeal (which is little) will land her a man, especially when she's drunk. One night while bar-hopping, Mari meets the suave yet sleazy talent agent Ray Say (Michael Caine), whom she takes home for a nightcap. There Ray hears the beautiful Little Voice singing a perfect rendition of Judy Garland's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" from The Wizard of Oz. He's stunned by its beauty and thinks he can make her a star. From there the story heads in complicated, romantic, and sweet-hearted directions that should not be given away. Also starring in this small independent film is Ewan McGregor
AÑO: 1998
DURACIÓN: 97 min
PAÍS: Gran Bretaña
DIRECTOR: Mark Herman
GUIÓN: Mark Herman (Teatro: Jim Cartwright)
MÚSICA: John Altman
FOTOGRAFÍA: Andy Collins
REPARTO: Brenda Blethyn, Michael Caine, Ewan McGregor, Jim Broadbent, Jane Horrocks, Annette Badland, Philip Jackson
GENERO: Musical
No sabiendo de la existencia de este film, el decubrirlo fue un hecho maravilloso. Me encanto.